Bavaria 2000
Fridge Door

The Rhine
The Romantic Road
Ludwigs Castles
Dachau Prison Camp
Black Forest

What do you think of when you think of Bavaria?

Busty women carrying six liters of beer at one time?  Fortress towns?  Half-timbered buildings?  The Sound of Music?

We were not really sure what to expect, so in August of 2000, we set out to discover Bavaria and the northern Alps for ourselves.  We started in the north at Fabrizio's and wound our way to the south along the 'Romantic Road' to the castles of mad King Ludwig as well as the horrors that were Nazi Germany, through beautiful mountains of Austria, finishing in the Black Forest.

Come and explore what we found.  Point at the map below or use the links on the left to get started.


Point at our route to see a preview of what we saw then click to go there